Premasgard 2110 Differential pressure sensor -100..100 Pa

Power supply 24 V AC/DC, output 0...10 V/ 4...20 mA, including hose set  Ø 4/6 x 2000 mm, for non-aggressive and non-combustible gases, dimensions 72 x 64 x 37,8 mm, IP65, selectable measuring range (-50...50 Pa/ -100...100 Pa)


Pressure and differential pressure sensor for overpressure, underpressure and differential pressure measurement of air and other non-aggressive and non-flammable gases. A piezoresistive measuring element provides high accuracy and reliability. 

  • Clean room technologies, medical applications, filtering technologies, air handling units, variable speed drives control etc.

An elastic diaphragm transmits the pressure difference to the measuring element. The electric signal is amplified and evaluated and sent to the output terminals.



* Premasgard 2110 LCD (variant with display)