UC102 Heating controller, communicative

Heating controller, communicative

Display 60 x 60 mm, push / turn knob, temperature sensor, setting of values, status indication and switching, 2x DI (presence, window contact), 1x DO (24 V AC radiator), Modbus / RS485 communication


Replacement of UC100 - extension by 2 digital inputs, full backward compatibility. Use ME210/ME220 for more actuators.

  • no display, no knob - UC102/DK
  • backlit display - UC102/BL

UC102 is a communicative room heating controller with one PWM output for control of a radiator or electrical heater. It is a replacement of UC100, extended by 2 digital inputs. It can work autonomously, or in connection to a primary controller (MiniPLC or SoftPLC), building management system (RcWare Vision or any SCADA), or to UCWEB – the web interface.

  • Systems with radiators, electric heaters, or floor heating – control and measuring of room temperature
  • Monitoring and communication of room temperatures

The controller reads actual room temperature, setpoint shift by a knob, and set operation status which is set by short push of the knob. The room temperature is measured in the range of -20 to +50 °C. Measured and set values are processed in a PI algorithm, at the output of which there is a PWM controlled triac. All values are displayed on a large LCD display. The digital inputs may be used for presence sensor and window contact, or just as binary inputs readable over the bus.